
Showing posts from August, 2018

Learning the Bigfoot Lingo

I’ve learned that every profession or hobby has a few important words or catch phrases you need to know. The Bigfoot community is no different it seems. As the newbie here I had to quickly learn what those words and phrases were to be able to relate to everyone.                     Some words were easy like blobsquatch which meant  blurry.  With the overwhelming amount of  blurry pictures circulating, there was obviously a need for a special word. Then there were  words like my favorite paradolia which I wrote about last week. Such a great word it had to have its own post and I had to actually look up. I can say I honestly hadn't  heard it before  I immersed myself in all this Bigfootery. (My new slang word, don’t steal it I copyrighted it) So I figured if I had to get caught up in the language of cryptozoology, some of you may need to also. So, I made a list of a few of the most frequently used words and...

I See Hairy People..

Pareidolia, a psychological phenomenon in which the mind responds to a stimulus, usually an image or a sound, by perceiving a familiar pattern where none exists. This is the definition found in Wikipedia. In other words, you’re in the woods and you are all freaked out by noises or whatever and when you look through the trees you see hairy people, big, hairy and smelly people.  What? You don’t see that Bigfoot back there? I’m looking right at him.. This is what everyone wants you to think is happening, that your imagination has gone so crazy while you were out there looking for Bigfoot, that you actually see Bigfoot. This theory can also apply to the people who are seeing rabbit shapes in the clouds, mountains in mashed potatoes and Jesus in their toast. And why is it, if you’re seeing Jesus in your toast that it is a miracle and seeing Bigfoot is a pareidolic response?       Mountains out of mash potatoes.. I have an idea why, and you may or may not want to kn...

In Search Of...In Search Of

No, I didn’t make a mistake with that title. I am talking about the reboot of In Search Of on the History Channel. I admit, my first thought hearing it was coming was, don’t do it. Some things just should not be remade. ( If anybody tries to remake the original version of Star Wars, it’s game on). But History Channel ignored my emails and sent a restraining order out instead. Harassment or some such thing. So, it aired and I popped my popcorn and settled in. I thought, I like Zachary Quinto, so this could be good. But then the theme was starting and I thought, they couldn’t dig up Leonard Nimoy, so they picked the guy who played him on tv..I don’t know, that’s like seeing a hologram concert, But, they did become close friends and Leonard seemed to respect him playing his Star Trek character, so he would probably have approved of this, as well. Missing Leonard’s deep monotone voice goes without saying, but this version was set up a bit different, Zachary didn’t stick to narration, h...