The Barrens...
“I thought I saw the Jersey Devil up around the bend, thought I saw the Jersey Devil dancing in his moccasins..” I had some extra time to hang on the couch and watch a movie today. So I pulled up Tubi and found the movie The Barrens, staring Stephen Moyer. (True Blood) The movie was about the infamous Jersey Devil, who is said to live in the Pine Barrens of New Jersey. I have been in the Wharton State Forest where this movie is supposedly taking place, and I can tell you there is something special about that forest. Could it house the Jersey Devil? Yes it could, and a lot of other things as well. The Pinelands are over A million acres, It is very easy to be lost out there and dense enough for things to hide in plain sight. I couldn’t even see my sister when she went around a bend. The movie however did not capitalize on this naturally creepy location, they did not film on location in the Barrens, instead for monetary reasons they filmed in Toronto, Canada. I understand that it...