He Does Exist..The Semi-Autobiographical Tale of Dyatlov Pass
On yet another glorious snowy morning in Massachusetts, the 3rd one in as many weeks, I sat out in the doorway just watching it all come down. I couldn't help but think-what if I was outside lost and stranded? What if the abominable snowman exists and is out hunting right now? It made me think of a tale, a true tale, of an abominable snowman that was out prowling, that did hunt people. He currently resides in the icy slopes of Dyatlov Pass, in the Ural Mountains of Russia. I feel relatively safe telling his tale from this location. It would be a lot of work for him to get here. But just in case, I have a Louisville Slugger near my door. His tale is the most frightening one I've ever heard and has haunted me since I first heard of it many years ago. (Many? Did my editor put that word in)?It's a scary tale because it is real...and we have proof. On February 2nd, 1959. Nine unsuspecting college students entered the liar of a Yeti and didn't survive to tell this tal...
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