R.E.S.P.EC.T. I know what it means to me...
Okay, I want to start this post by stressing that I have never seen a Bigfoot. So all of the things I am saying I would do are completely hypothetical.
I assume I would first have an accident in my pants, then run. More than likely I would freeze and faint. Still going with accident first, unfortunately. Stories of Bigfoot encounters that include similar reactions are more believable to me.
If someone is telling you a Bigfoot tale that sounds suspicious, what do you do? If you believe in Bigfoot, what makes some stories seem...wrong?
One element, for me, is the travelling Bigfoot family. Not the family part, but the tromping around in a big fuzzy group. It's not very stealth behavior for creatures that seem determined to remain mysterious.
Now I am not calling out anyone in particular; group or person. But what is the protocol for all of you in this field, if you go out and investigate a sighting you find totally unbelievable?
Their are no doubt any number of hoaxers or attention seekers, etc. But for every couple of hoaxers, there must be a few credible sightings once you weed through them.
So how does an investigator weed through them? I am picturing it much like a crime scene. Interview the witness, investigate the area. And so on. But do you tell the people you are having any doubts? Should you file a report with the BFRO and think that’s that! Whew! Get me out of here these people are all nuts! Bigfoot isn’t coming to dinner at anyone’s damn house. Even if you live in the bayou all by yourself with no one for miles! Cuckoo!
I’m hoping that is not what I would do. But I suspect an eye roll or one of my "you are all nuts" giggles might come out. But luckily for everyone, I am not an investigator, I am a guest in your field right now. A guest who does believe, but quite possibly has an issue with hypocrisy.
Joking aside, I really hope we are all treating each other with respect and listening to what each other has to say. Maybe that person didn’t see Sasquatch. But just maybe they didn’t know how else to connect with another person and this eased the way. I think Sasquatch means different things to different people, and is bigger than just the creature he is.
In the end, friends, fresh air and great memories may be all you ever get from your belief and searching. And if you ask me, all of that is worth way more than one blurry picture.
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