Sasquatch minds want to know. What kind of hunter are you?

So once again as I’m learning all things Bigfoot. I’ve learned there are two kinds of hunters looking for the elusive hide and seek champ. One is out there snapping pictures and videos. Possibly making Sasquatch calls. I should add I cannot make that sound myself. But lucky for me there is an app for everything. Even Sasquatch calls. ( of all the calls I heard on tv Finding Bigfoot have them down pat). They want to be able to show proof he exists but they don’t want him stuffed and mounted on their wall. Shush, Did you hear that sound? That is Bigfoot’s very loud sigh of relief.

The second kind of hunter wants to do the latter. Maybe not hang on wall but definitely to take on a little “I told you so” tour. And I can’t say I blame them. 

Now any kind of hunting freaks me out. I am strictly pictures only myself. Not that I plan on hanging around trying to get him to pose. 

But the problem with the “film” and “no kill” plan  is absolutely no one will believe you apparently. Let’s take my own recent situation I learned not even believers will believe you. 

I recently put my pictures from the Freetown Forest on line in my blog and by next morning. Other people snagged them off my blog. Claimed them as their own and put them on the web. When I went to send to, what I thought was a serious and reputable site. They put up post annoyed that everyone is posting the same pictures. That they believe were hoaxes. Well it was a big put off for me. And I can’t believe their immediate reaction as hoaxes. Did you question everyone that had these supposed pictures? Did you ask to see originals? Nope, straight to hoaxes. 

So now I know what others feel when they are freakin out. Don’t know what they have but believe it is something and immediately every one cries hoax on them.

Unfortunately for Sasquatch, pictures aren’t respected. People need to physically see him. And there in lies the problem. Now I can’t say for sure. But I think it is safe to say that he isant going to volunteer to take a “quick” ride with you. So it comes down to the second option. A hunter will have to bring a body back to get us all the validation and our collective option to dance around crazy shouting “I knew it”!  

It is a sad option, but it’s the only one that could be. The only way nonbelievers and apparently some believers as well will accept the truth. So on behalf of most of us, I’m saying I’m sorry big man. I’m sorry we took most of your land away. I’m sorry that we dog your every step. And I’m especially sorry that most of the world Is saying, “show me the body!”


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