Don’t drink the kool-aid

If you grew up in and around the 70s or 80s. Then you really got an education in what a cult was. There were many. Jonestown may have been the worse, but anytime you give your mind over to other people to control, it never ends well. As I watch these things unfold I’m thinking; what is wrong with you people? Hello! Are you in there? How can they all fall for this nonsense?

But people do and the ones in charge know just who to prey on. The poor, the lonely and the lost of the world. The people we as a society should be helping, are being left vulnerable for these cults to come in and do their thing.

So while doing all my Sasquatch research, imagine my surprise to see a cult-like group named after our protector of the forest. This group that's caught my attention is called the Sasquatch People.

This group has a leader guiding them through their lives, giving his followers different goals to achieve planetary stewardship. I assume he comes up with ideas after he talks to the Alien Sasquatch. Which, by the way, only he can communicate with. When I first saw them I thought oh boy, this is definitely taking Sasquatch to the next level. Like Sasquatch for the earthy crunchy people. Probably harmless, definitely got me thinking.

Everyone turned a blind eye and laughed at the group that came together for Haley’s Comet. But no one is laughing now. They all committed suicide to hitch a ride on said comet. And no one did anything. We didn’t call out that weirdness that made us all uncomfortable because we didn’t want to insult anyone or trample on their rights. But hearing him discuss our possible doom. And that the Star People, (as he calls them) will have to come and take some of them off planet. Wait, what? Insert red flag here!!

Some of the things that tell me to run here. That weirdness. In case you really can’t recognize potential danger signals are as follows:

  • Speaking with a vocabulary he thinks you won’t understand. Showing how smart and qualified he is. Making you think you should follow him.
  • Speaking of end of world hypothesis. Wars or distruction of the planet.
  • Over emphasizing his credentials. Degrees, background etc.
  • And of course being the only one that has this knowledge because he is the only one "they" trust with it.
  • Out in the middle of nowhere "retreats".

Red flags people!

Finally, I am not telling anyone how to live their life. If this is what makes you happy, so be it. As long as nobody gets hurt. But we need to not make the same mistakes again. We need to not put our head in the sand.

So if you see a group. Any group, that seems a little off  and your initial instinct says "run!" then run, but don’t turn a blind eye. Insulting them is the last thing to worry about. If your worried about repercussions, contact me or another admin from a group you trust. We will check it out for you. And for god sake if you find yourself in a group like that, walking in the woods together please - Don’t Drink The Kool-aid!

More information on Sasquatch People;


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