A Murder Of Crows...

On This past Saturday late afternoon, I returned to a place I like to haunt where I believe a Bigfoot might just be living. On my very first visit in there, I got a weird vibe and a strange sensation I wasn’t alone and maybe not entirely welcome. It’s a different feeling then my usual spot in Freetown. In that spot, I feel I’m not alone and definitely being watched but not unwelcome or unsafe. I feel entirely comfortable there. That I don’t have a need for a weapon or equipment and that maybe that is why I am welcomed.

In this new spot I feel as though I have not been invited yet. I am coming to far in without their (whoever they are) permission. When first getting a ways in, I felt watched and heard a noise that sounded like hard thumping on the ground. Someone heavy running perhaps? Then around the corner I heard noises. Felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand up, and when I came around the corner, a large tree was down blocking the entire trail. I snapped pictures all around and then that was it for me, because I knew without a doubt, I was not welcome. I started to head out and finally paid attention to one of the noises that had been ongoing. It was a murder of crows hovering.

Why a murder of crows? A warning maybe? But for who? Me, or my possible hominid stalker. I left no matter what It meant. Went home and was racking my brain, what was that hard thumping? I began going through my pics looking for anything. Why were crows everywhere? Was there a dead animal in the vacinity? They say a murder of crows got that name because they were always around death. Hanging at cemeteries, and coming around when there was something dead around they could feed on. A crow is a member of the carrion birds. They feed off of dead animals. Superstitious people believed if they hung around you it could be an omen of your death. They believed when you saw them you should either bow down to them, or tip your hat at them. A pity I didn’t know this at the time. When my sister helped me review my pics She saw what we thought could be an eyeball dead center of the pic, staring at me. Nothing to worry about there. 


My second trip in, I was waiting for them. They did not disappoint. But I was not alone, and I was intending to stay. On this visit, I was again not entirely comfortable and neither was my sister. But we kept going all the way to the downed tree and around it off the path. As we happened to look on the ground we noticed prints, two very suspicious prints. One very large print and the other was going at an angle on a muddy slope, but the toes were easily discernible. And all the awhile the crows hovered. We looked around the area and noticed behind where I took that very strange picture of something that looked like an eyeball and where all my uneasy feelings came from, was a revine. Was that where my thumping was coming from? Did something run up that revine? Now I knew I wanted to leave again. Crows or no crows we were leaving. 

On this last visit on Saturday. The crows were upon us from the second we got on the path. This was a larger murder and possibly more aggressive. They were low flying and circling. When we got to the spot that uneased me the most, a crow feather hit the ground near my feet. A more stern warning? But again, to who, me or my new friend. We noticed some prints again, not large and more than likely your average animal prints. But we were both feeling heavy feelings telling us to go..

I know I have to research what all this could mean. If it’s a warning to me, then I need to respect it and not return. As much as an encounter may mean to me, it needs to be a welcomed and wanted one. If it’s to them telling them I arrived? How do the two species  communicate together? And is the warning for them to disappear from being seen? For me, with the big guy, if that is what this could be, and I feel that this area has all they need to sustain them, a river, dog and blueberry bushes, (I may have tasted some of those)  wildlife, miles of connecting forest and also conservation land. If it’s them and we fated to ever cross paths, then I want it to be with respect and with them wanting to be seen. So I’m putting my thinking and reasearch cap on and I will let you know what I think this all could mean as soon as I know. I need to decide soon because I don’t want to be the catalyst for them having to leave their home. In the meantime, any suggestions or information on this subject you may have  will always be appreciated..

Photo by Arthame for Deviant art

To be continued....

Copyright July 2018, property of Bigfoot Mountain (tm) all rights reserved.

 Big thank you to the sister I drag in the woods with me. I mean the one that comes with me when she can. And has a great eye for all things squatchy in the woods...

*Information on crows from Wikipedia 

*Pictures from Pinterest and Deviant Art

* Pictures Of footprints are my own and property of Bigfoot Mountain..


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