Return to Bridgewater..after 7 days we said we will go when it’s light!

Well we did it. My sister and I returned to Bridgewater Triangle. Specifically, the Freetown Forest. It was a beautiful sunny fall day. A great day to trample through the forest. All along in my mind, even though I was smiling and happy. in my head I was singing; “If you go down in the woods today..”

But we did go down in those woods today. And I’m proud to say, even though I’m a bit of a chicken when it comes to this Sasquatch hunting thing. I still did it!

If you read my first post The Night The Lights Went out in Bridgewater, then you know a little bit about the Freetown Forest, but if you didn’t, then I will tell you that The Freetown Forest is known for all things paranormal as well as sightings of Bigfoot himself. And I can tell you that he picked a good spot to hide.

In the above picture, I snapped a pic of my sister just a couple feet ahead of me. I bet you can’t find her in this shot. This is a good explanation of why some claim to have taken pictures of the big man, but there's no clear image.  It's just too easy for someone or some creature to hide.  As for why some shots are blurry - I'm guessing it's from shaking in terror or snapping pics as you're running away.

While walking around I took many suspicious pictures of what may qualify for something I’m recently learning about - potential Bigfoot structures. I’ll leave it to the professionals to decide that.

Meanwhile, as we were walking along I tried to think - do I feel differently about this area now, during the day, than I did exploring it at night? And the Answer was no. It still felt heavy, still felt like we were not alone. So I asked my fellow Sasquatch sister how she felt. Her feeling was that it was even creepier today than it was last week.

While in one of the more creepier areas, I shushed my sister who was now behind me, because I heard a noise. It sounded somewhere between tapping of a tree and an almost, but not quite, croaking of a frog.

When we went quiet it would stop a bit. When we talked again it( for lack of a better word) would croak  more. When we moved off through the brush Into a different location It started again. This time a bit louder. We definitely felt by then that this was a vocalization of some kind. We both went through your typical checklist of what it could be. But nothing we thought of seemed quite right. We turned on our video to record it. Low and behold, when I got home my video had no sound working at all, not even our conversation.  And my sister’s recorder didn’t pick it up.

I now totally feel for people whose fuzzy Squatch pictures are ridiculed. The critics should try walking in their shoes.  What kind of pictures would you take out there in the woods alone?

Overall my trip was again eventful. I will head back out out again to the other end of the forest in a week or so. To see what we can see. Or in this case, hear what we can hear. Try to Speak to some park rangers. Get their feel of the area. For now I leave you with a few pictures of our latest adventure and if you have any questions or stories of your own of the area I would love to hear from you. You can reach me at I would love to share your stories with everyone.


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