The Squatch Challenge 

Are you a Bigfoot hunter or enthusiast? Can you handle being alone in the woods in the middle of the Canadian Forest for 24 hours?
Well than I found a vacation just for you. On Halloween night, Butiq Escapes is offering a Squatch challenge.  Can you survive for 24 hours in the woods looking for Sasquatch without hitting the SOS  button to be evacuated?
Well at first I thought, that would be awesome! But then I remembered my trip to Bridgewater triangle. That was a challenge for me too. Can I hang out in that area for a bit looking for the big man without running away like a chicken hawk? Answer was-not for to long. Every noise or sound had me ready to run. Sorry to say I might be a chicken hawk.
I love the idea but I would need an army, (or a really good hunter) lots of flashlights and quite possibly my mother in order to survive the night.  But many of you hunters I’ve been talking to lately could do this with one rifle tied behind your back.
So if your interested follow the link below. It costs about $7,500 which includes all. And I’d love to hear from anyone that made it through.

For more information go to:
Article below by Mike Richard


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