It’s a Bird, it’s a Plane it’s a.. Did They Just Say Bear?

I have always considered myself more of an agnostic when it comes to believing the unbelievable. Show me the proof! Of course, in all things except where Yeti, Sasquatch and Bigfoot are concerned.
Sometimes its really nice to have belief in something that may not have that undeniable evidence to support it. It’s that hopeful feeling at the back of your brain that gives you that "Christmas morning" buzz. Waiting to hear the test results of a woodsy hair sample, or footprint DNA residue.  And I hope in light of all these unsupportive test results coming in, that  science really doesn’t dampen that excitement.
Do I really want the evidence that may prove that he doesn’t exist? It will be the same horrible feeling like it was with the "Santa talk".
Science and faith. An age old battle going on as long as good and evil. When it comes to other areas of science, I can’t wait to see what they will discover next. But in this I have my worries.
And I admit, I enjoy the anticipation of waking up to the breaking news that conclusive evidence has been found and he is added to species list. But for all these recent sightings, DNA test results show the evidence pointing to bears. Polar Bears, Himalayan Bears, Brown Bears. Bears, Bears, Bears!
Could this be right? Could the conditions be such that at the time of all these encounters they had mistaken Bears for large hominids?
Is he really going to stay a myth and legend instead of flesh and blood? Will it be that the Shroud of Turin is really another Davinci masterpiece after all?  All of the Bigfoot photos, footprint molds, structures, etc. - could they really all be mirages of our minds when were in those deep woods at night?
We may never have that answer in our lifetime.  When you die. Supposedly, you get all the answers to your questions right? The answer to Life, the Universe and Eveything. Here’s to hoping that will include him too.

Picture from Bigfoot Lunch Club.
Life, the Universe and Everything  title from Douglas Adams’ book series; The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. 
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