Love, Monsters and my First Impressions 

Don’t Judge a book by its cover. Not just a silly phrase, but truer words were never spoken. Pretty much something you work hard not to do all your life.

But with that you still have to admit first impressions matter. So when I first saw the trailer for Love in the Time of Monsters. I was not impressed. I thought to myself, great. Another stinker.

But I continued for two reasons one Kane Hodder was in it. (Jason Vorhees) to anyone who knows anything about that genre. And because stupid things can right their own posts pretty well. With out much thought on the part of the writer.

When the plot started to form I thought woohoo this movie wants to be silly. I was much more relaxed then. The plot summary is as follows; a couple runs a vacation resort in California based on Bigfoot. There are like 5 guys that dress up as Bigfoot and stalk the place. Love it!

The Bigfoot characters get exposed to an area of illegal dumping of toxic waste in a marsh on the property, and it makes them mindless flesh eaters. They attack all the visitors at the resort dressed in their Bigfoot costumes. 

If that isn’t an awesome plot, I don’t know what is. Eventually they figure out a way to stop them. They head out to take them out and who comes out to help? You guessed it. The real Bigfoot. He has had enough and he comes out to assist. And you’re yelling “go Bigfoot!”

This movie ended up being a pleasant surprise for me. I highly recommend it. I got my copy from the local library but I’m sure it’s widely available.

I’m glad I gave it a try. Didn’t give up from a lack luster trailer. It reinforced my goal of never judging a book by its cover. Don’t give up from one bad first impression. 

So people, let’s try to read past the first boring chapter in your book. Ignore the bad trailers and reviews and watch the movie. And lastly don’t give up on a person just because that first impression didn’t do it for you, because you never know what you may miss out on. And it might just be your best thing.



  1. Oh thats a nice post, never looked at things from your point of view. Keep up the good work. I will be a regular visitor


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