Squatch and the Inevitable Stigma..

Since I was a child I loved everything Bigfoot and definitely believed he was in every forest. I was maybe a tad. Just a tad frightened of him too back then. (Do not tell anyone that part please).

But I remember even from way back then. That I had no intention of sharing that little tidbit with anyone that I wasn’t related to by blood. It was my safe place. My family was very open to unexplained phenomena. 

If the lights flicked out in the house, it was ghosts. If there was a strange light in the sky, it was UFOs and lastly if you heard a noise in the woods it was Sasquatch. It never occurred to me first that it was something normal like a power outage.

So as you can imagine I was weird enough without exposing this little nugget of info. When I got a little older I didn’t want to lose my cool card. So again, sorry big man still wasn’t sharing. And lastly as an adult I was a teacher sooo parents may be a little concerned if their child’s teacher is the crazy Bigfoot lady.

No judgment please. I am definitely not the only one who felt like that. If you love the Squatch you need to get thick skinned because believing is not in the majority. And if you’ve seen him and choose to share that story well..

Even retiring early from teaching and starting this blog still gives me a nervous belly sometimes. What will my friends think? Worse, all my acquaintances heading into possible friendships omg they cannot find out! But I am a lot of things not all of it good but I’m not a hypocrite so here I am. Outed, exposed and sharing this info on a very large scale.

There are so many things that have not been explained out there in the world so what makes this so hard to believe. Evolution is a tricky thing. Some things didn’t evolve out there they stayed the same. Maybe smaller or larger but the same still. Our genes do the strangest things. Living things born with two heads, extra fingers, no fingers. Why is the idea of hominids still hanging around that unreal to people? 

I’m standing here reading an article about “little foot” . A fully intact hominid skeleton. While scientists run around preaching “we need a body”, “we need bones”. Why are these bones not those bones everyone is looking for?

Well I couldn’t hang around and wait for the science world to agree on anything anymore. It was time for me to come out of the woods. That’s right people. That crazy girl you know, that says crazy stuff, always speaks her mind. She is crazier than you thought. She believes in Bigfoot. She knows he is real. All those people’s stories out there are real. And all of you that laugh at them? Let’s hope you don’t get a surprise on your next family camping trip. 

As for the rest of us that believe or that know because you have seen him yourself. Stay tough, keep sharing these stories. People need to know. And someday when the science community finally says they exist, you can tell everyone you told them so. But you don’t need the validation. Stay true to yourself. You are not crazy. And talk to like minds on social media and such. Those are safe places with people that will value you for who you are. No stigma attached.

Article of note:



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