Why did the Sasquatch Cross the Road?

This of all the reported Bigfoot sightings in the world intrigues me the most. Why does the most elusive of all creatures on earth cross the road? Seriously, why? We know why the chicken did. But why a Bigfoot?

I have read somewhere that they follow pathways in the woods created for power lines possibly because of the ease. But is crossing a road a shortcut for them also?Or is it because of man's demand for development that we are leaving them no choice because our roads keep popping up In the routes they have been following for years. Do they understand what the roads mean? Or are they just as shocked to see your car as you are seeing them?

Holy s**t is that a Bigfoot!?! 

There was an article recently about an ape that was extremely afraid of water. But because of our constant encroachment they were forced to cross the river. And there was a picture of the scared ape in the water to go with it.

And I thought is that why Sasquatch is crossing the road? Is he in someway desperate to get to the other side? Does he expect to see a car possibly come by? Does he know how close to civilization is he getting. Since they are so elusive, you wouldn’t expect them to take such a chance of being seen. But in the past decade there has been a huge increase in road sightings. There have even been police and state troopers reporting road side encounters. Some occurring in broad daylight.

I would love to be a fly on the wall, or in this case a mosquito in the woods. To be able to understand even for just one moment what they are thinking. And I know you're thinking right now, what are my thoughts on why the Sasquatch crosses the road? Beyond the obvious. Well, I say read the following below for that answer.

(picture above from Pinterest)

Now I would love to hear your opinion? Even though I know I will get a lot of duh, to get to the other side. 😁

You can reach me at:

@sasysquatchgirl on Facebook and


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