Big Foot Forward for Charity

Bigfoot has long been known as the protector of the forest. Protecting the plants and smaller critters of the forest. The Native Americans see him as a guide through the forest as well. And that is how I like to see him.

So now, Bigfoot is putting his foot forward for charity that continues with this tradition to protect. And what  better way than to help protect the children of the world. Bigfoot against Bullying. Every child should feel safe in their environment so they can grow and thrive. For so many from elementary to college. School is a battleground for them. Afraid or sick to their stomach at the idea of going to school with their tormentor. Who often goes unpunished.

It eventually takes over so much of their lives. They can't sleep, don't eat and get sick. Shut themselves away from everyone. And sometimes older children make desperate choices such as suicide to make it all go away because they feel so helpless.

A whole family destroyed because they just didn't have the right tools to get through it all. The National Association of People against Bullying is dedicated to getting those resources to families and schools who need them.

We all know even in our very slight degree what it’s like to be teased for believing in Bigfoot. Imagine having a real bully waiting for you everyday to pick at your worst insecurity. Or for your color, race, body type, disability or sexual orientation. And in those delicate years.

I propose we band together as a community. The Bigfoot community against bullying. Be you an enthusiast, researcher, scientist or have your own social media page or podcast. Let’s do it together.

I have enclosed the link to the Bigfoot against bullying go fund me site as well as link to NAPAB website to read what they are all about. And all these links can also be found on Bigfootmountain’s Facebook page. Please post on your page if you feel comfortable and tell your friends as well if you are passionate about it they will be passionate about it.

After you’ve made your donation or someone you know has. Please email or IM me your name or your groups name. I want this to come from our community at large not from myself. (I don’t need to know amount) They say it takes a village. Let’s be that villlage. 

I know some of you may have your own charities and fundraising already happening so helping anyway you can regardless of the amount is appreciated. Or if you would prefer to reach out to them and volunteer in some other way I have attached a link to the NAPAB below.

I thank you all in advance for your wonderful generosity. I’m looking forward to us making a difference together.

National Association of People Against Bullying:

Bigfoot Against Bullying:

You can reach me at:

Or through Bigfootmountain on Twitter or Facebook


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