Sasquatch in the Snow

So today is a very snowy day in New England. And you get all those reminders on the news. Check on the elderly, homeless, pets etc. So I did the family and friends check. I have a woodstove and generator so a power outage is just a quick inconvenience. 

My yard today

So I am chilling warm in my jams thinking what is Sasquatch doing during the storms in New England? Seriously though, there aren't any leaves on the trees for cover. There aren't many leaves and branches left to use on the ground everything is frozen. Are there any caves in the area for them to use?

These are real questions I would love some insight on. I've talked a bit about migrating to warmer climates in previous posts but, what if there is no time to migrate? Is their hair thick enough to withstand this deep freeze we are experiencing?

I worry about them and everyone else that may be caught in a storm such as this unprepared. I know the news gave you all the reminders but I would like to add to what the news didn't say. If you see a squatch out there in need of assistance put the camera down and give them a helping hand. 

Stay safe everyone.


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