Seen One Hairy Human...

At one point in our earths history, there were several types of large apes and orangutans species that existed on different continents. Large apes such as Pierolapithecus in Spain and the orangutan Gigantepithicus  in Asia. These two very important mammals played a big role in our evolutionary history. While we are looking for our beginnings there are also others looking for Sasquatch’s beginnings. So these mammals are important names to remember as we are searching for the truth and those truths may not be that different or far away from each other as we might think.

These mammals gave us an important clue to solve some of the riddle of ourselves and the Squatch. They were both nomadic and migrated in a way to follow the forest and needed lush greeneries important to survival and lived off of vegetation, not meat. Our ancester, Pierolapithecus. Lived in trees and the forest floors. They had face shape and hair like an ape and human similarities of Homo Sapiens.

The Gigantopithicus was the largest primate to live and went extinct, so some believe, around the same time as the Pierolapithecus at around 100,000 years ago. This puts them at the same time period and roughly same location together. They may have had their very first meeting 300,000 years ago in China then somehow existed side by side with us just like we may be co-existing right now. The Giganto was on average up to ten feet tall and weighing to much for tree life. And if this is his ancestor than I’m sorry because it more than likely debunks the theory that Squatches are unseen because they are hiding in tree tops. If this is his ancestor than he simply is to heavy for it to be practical. And if he truly did go extinct, experts believe his enormous size was his undoing. Needing more food than what was available to sustain their size. For me, and my beliefs, this is where I think his evolution (not his extinction) into the squatch began. 

But as sure as there are believers like me that he never went extinct but evolved into the Sasquatch we know and love now. There are also naysayers that think they don’t exist because there is no physical proof. They need to be reminded that Gigantopithicus’s remains were not found until the 1930s and only one tooth until much later when large jaw bones were found. Theorized likely due to porcupines feeding off those bones. hmm, porcupines still exist so maybe they enjoy the descendant's bones as well. Then another type of orangutan was recently discovered on an Indonesian Island off of Sumatra. Clearly proving we have not discovered all the life this mysterious planet is hiding. From the bottom of the ocean floor on up to the tree tops.

And as we evolved towards Homo Sapiens forming at  least six groups of  prehistoric man existing on different continents. The Gigantipithicus adapted most likely to be something between man and primate. Maybe using a primates ability to adapt to its environment and be elusive with a slightly larger brain to be more aware of that same environment and possibly knowing what is on the fringe of all those tree lines and knowing enough to stay away.

Since we have widened the search in our hunt to prove early homo sapien migration, we are learning also that it is now possible that modern man as we know him and Neanderthal were around at the same time and may have interacted more than just rubbing elbows. Could we have also been rubbing elbows with Sasquatch and his ancestors as well? There are cave paintings pointing in that direction. That they saw them, that they knew they were there. There are also stories handed down and many names given to them from the Native Americans. How or where would all these paintings and stories come from without some truth.

Then the discovery of the Manot skull in the Manot Cave in Israel happened, our closest piece of concrete evidence that it was more than just likely that Neanderthal and Homo Sapiens were existing together. As human DNA is tested we know we all have a percentage of Neanderthal in our makeup. Now there has been a finger bone found in Al Wusta, Saudi Arabia in a prehistoric lake bed that is likely to be older than the Manot skull. It makes sense that they and possibly Sasquatch ’s ancestors would all migrate in a similar way. Following the most habitable areas.

So I’m trying to wrap my head around this one. And I know my thoughts are not coming from a learned position. I went to school for education, not anthropology, biology or archeology, etc, these are just my crazy thoughts and my opinions. This is just a blog after all.

If we were all around together? Than how did we co-exist? Did we mingle at all? Was there a fireside mixer to see whom might be compatible? I mean a hairy person is a hairy person, right? Some people quite like hair soo it’s possible we made some love connections. I know the large head could be an issue for some but it probably needed to be, if his wife was whacking him in the head with stone tools when she was upset.

So it goes and so our dna shows. We were all mixing away till Neanderthal gene was recessive and Homo Sapiens were at  the top of the food chain, swallowing up all the other societies. Still hairy somewhat because I don’t see the shaving thing catching on just yet. For Sasquatch or us. And for the Squatch, he may have adapted to address the food shortage my keeping there population low. Therefore also making them harder to discover. We may never have the definitive proof in my lifetime but it is my belief that they evolved and lived amongst us all along and I hope we don’t destroy the truth when we discover it. 


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