The Art Of Bigfoot..

Today I thought we could chat a bit about the art of Bigfoot. I’m not talking the art in which he conducts his elusive maneuvers and rock throwing warfare, I mean the actual art of Bigfoot and the wondrous artists that make it available to us. 

I appreciate all types of art. But that was a long time coming. Art to me was always a stress trigger when I was younger. I would have rather had an all day gym class than forty minutes of art. I can’t draw, not even a little. I still have trouble coloring within the lines and lastly I was taught how to paper mache puppets from a professional puppeteer, who happened to be my neighbor and I still can’t do it right. I was always told it’s the process not the product that counts, and when I was teaching, that was the theory I worked with. But even with that philosophy it still took a long while before I stopped ignoring all things art. Now, as an adult, I understand that you can appreciate it without being able to create it. Like someone who can’t play an instrument or carry a tune can still enjoy music.

My beautiful portrait of Starry the Opossum 

As a blogger I understand how important it is to have art in your blog or social media posts. It’s like a child not wanting a book without pictures. We need to be stimulated in different ways to hold our interest. Pictures telling the story is where "language" began. All the way back to the earliest of cave paintings.

There are some amazing artist out there that are strictly creating cryptid art and some that do all kinds of art with Bigfoot thrown in. You'll see some examples at the bottom of this post. These artist deserve our respect for their talent and their intellectual property. I recently did a post on my blog about copyright and protecting intellectual property without even considering these artists' feelings on the matter. So, I attempted to locate artists names and give credit for previous blog posts, but some are just impossible to find even with sourcing the picture. I'm being realistic when I say, I will not get everyone. But with those few I did identify, I began my email campaign with. I am trying to reach those artists and ask their permission to use those pictures in my blog or on my Social Media sites. So far I can say that all but two have given me that permission. One wanted it to stay unique to their own Social Media sites, which I completely understand, and the other?  After doing a lot of research I messaged them and in lieu of an answer I got hit with a copyright strike. I can’t say I was thrilled with that, but I do respect their decision and even with that, I still feel reaching out to the artists is worth the effort to form a relationships with and maybe do some advertising for them too.

I was always curious when I saw these pictures, did theses artist have an encounter with one the cryptids? Are they a believer, or are they just an enthusiast? He is a great subject to draw even if you only acknowledge him as a myth. Maybe more so, because you can be as imaginative about his features as you like.

I recently had a chance to catch up to one of my favorite artists, Eerie Eeric, the Bob Ross of Bigfoot, as he is known in the cryptid art world. I wanted to ask about his belief in the big guy, and his creative process when painting him. Part of his process involves people dropping off nature paintings to him and then he adds what they want painted on it, from Bigfoot to Pam Anderson. He also does caricatures that he calls ericatures. He takes commissions all year people so if you want one he is on Instagram as eerieeric. 

On drawing Bigfoot he said, “ I’m always drawing and painting universal monsters, and the fact a real monster could exist? That’s enough for me to start painting them.”

When I asked his belief on Bigfoot, his reply was,“ Yep, each convention I do I get three or four people telling me of their experiences they’ve had. So something is out there government can’t control and are therefore trying to hide.”

Eerie Eeric original

I am hoping to reach out to more of the artists, learning their beliefs of the cryptids they create. Learn something about their art process and the different mediums they use to bring it all to us to appreciate. I’m  grateful for all they share with me. And I can’t wait to share them with all with you.

Some amazing artists and their works:

MCMonster Mick Monster original

Shirley McDaniel original

Devin King original

So many great artists out there, thank you all for sharing your talent with me.

Copyright September 4th, 2018 property of Bigfoot Mountain (tm) all rights reserved

This cool picture by wpihuntsthetruth


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