Bigfoot, The Boss, Sasy and The Situation all Walk into the Woods..

That was the clickbait, and now, time for something completely different...

This has been a fun long weekend. My first back to Jersey in a couple of years, and with a much different agenda. Normally, Jersey is where I rested on my long drive to Virginia. But paranormaly it was a whole different ballgame. 

My normal associations to Jersey are, Bruce singing my favorite song, "I’m on Fire", and watching the "Situation" on The Jersey Shore. Say what you will about that show, but everyone has a guilty pleasure and that show is mine.

My paranormal associations with Jersey are the haunted Pine Barrens, Jersey Devil and Bigfoot, whom I’m told has a face more like a man in these parts. (I’m not even going to say anything like, "maybe its a hairy homeless person living in the woods" (Not even thinking it). 

So my sister, nephew and I headed to Jersey. He had a friend to visit and we, well, we were planning a paranormal visit this time and a hike in the woods. We always start with a smooth plan in place, but it never ends that way. If you want a weird and possible paranormal vist somewhere? Just come out with any member of this family, you’re guaranteed to see something that will question your sanity. 

So naturally our trip started out ridiculous from the start. We were transferring phone plans and everything was messed up, leaving us all phoneless and using just written down directions. it’s interesting on a road trip now without GPS,  but I’m very proud to say we did make it, and my nephew gave me my first compliment in years. He said we never would have made it without my navigation skills. I’m still bursting with pride hearing it replayed in my head.

But just because getting there went fairly smooth doesn’t mean everything else did. Something crazy was bound to happen to us and sure enough it did. Jersey did end up being a paranormal trip for us,  only this time it came from the sky and not from the forest as expected.

Since we were a family sent back to the pre phone days, we did the only option available, look out the window. We were driving by some interesting things like water towers, airport with planes coming and going and skyscrapers in the background. My nephew said he saw something in the sky, white and strange looking. The first thing I did after giving it a look was start the debunking checklist in my head, was it smoke from a plane? Was it Venus? It was time for her to pop out, was there a radio tower there? After not being able to debunk with the obvious answers I grabbed the camera to film. I literally could not understand how whatever it was just wasn’t moving. I didn’t want to say "it’s aliens" , or a UFO. But the very definition of that is what I was looking at, an unidentified flying object. Someone please dust off Fox Mulder because I think I may need him...

Picture of unidentified flying object 

My next plan was to get to the resort and do some research. I found an article from a day before from Coast to Coast Am. (I did try to share my video with them as well, I’m not sure if they received it) It was showing a video from a family that filmed the exact same object as me. Only this one was on the west coast, and it split into two objects (I think I know where the second one went). 

According to the article, (which I attached below) the military took responsibility, stating that it was a flare from a military exercise. Huh? Well, that might be something I could swallow if they, or myself, had actually seen or filmed part of that exercise. But we did not. 

Picture from CNN article 

The other thing I found, that has been talked about all week was about an odd shaped interstellar object that was passing by us. An object that no one actually believes is any kind of asteroid. Multiple sites claiming it might be alien in nature. A scary thought. But we sent Voyager out there to make contact didn’t we? Well, be careful what you wish for they say. The other thing that came to mind was remembering about a solar observatory in Mexico that had recently been taken over by their government, even the local post office near by was evacuated and closed. Nothing at all suspicious about that. Not like say, an employee responsibile for that observatory would ever mail possible alien evidence to a friend to hide and keep safe. Oh wait, I just saw that exact same scenario In the newest Predator movie.

I don’t know if this is all connected. Using my red hair and Dana Scully debunking skills, I have not as yet found a more logical, normal answer to explain this. But my para-normal answer is "it’s aliens".

I will let you decide for yourself...

Coast to Coast Am article

My video

CNN article on the interstellar object

Washington post article on evacuated observatory

Article from Washington Post where a naval pilot witnessed something in the sky shaped like a "tic tac" on the east coast

ABC News report on navy pilots story

Washington Post article on sightings in Ireland as well, I just found out about this. And was roughly at the same time.

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