A Moment in the Forest With You


To leave real life behind as we enter the forest

With you and I together, the animals would be singing just for us 

I think about this sometimes, When I’m having my quiet time

We sometimes think alike, so I wonder if you would mind

The smell of the pines, and for a bit you would be mine

I’d give you back, I swear I would

It would be a tough decision, but the one that I should 

I’ll just borrow you here in the forest, inside my mind 

Sitting by my favorite tree, I often think of you and me

Were we would be in the forest alone, cut off where no one else could see 

And where no one else would know 

Searching for our hairy man would just be a plus

We will be relaxed out there, 

Because even if there is nothing else, there will always be trust

But I’ve promised, so I will give you back

For you are not mine,

And there will never be the right time

The crunch of the leaves will get louder as we go

The branches gently swaying to and fro

Not stopping, off looking for shelter we go

So we can stand together bare, safe, because no one knows we are there 

No looking around the corners, no fear

Touching? If you can, maybe even a real first kiss?

This will only last a moment, but for that moment it will be bliss

Face me, really look at me, what do you see?

I’m still the girl who would like to stay in the forest forever and be free

Whom I am is what you see, me, sitting in my favorite tree

Hoping you can come to the forest every once and awhile and frolic with me

Can you hear it? The trees and animals are singing your farewell song

And now I know it’s time for you to go

Thank you always for the time that you can share 

And maybe someday we will really be able to lay in the forest,alone, together, bare....


Copyright © December 2018, property of Bigfootmountain, all rights reserved 


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