Women of the Woods..


I can smell Bigfoot from a mile away..I can’t actually, well, I probably could if he was there, or so I’ve been told. But I’ve never seen him, I’ve sensed him or something else out there which I always attributed to my crazy women’s intuition, but is it crazy? Is it a myth? I know I’m not psychic. I can’t remember what I have done one day to the next, so I’m definitely not going to able to predict your day. Could it be intuition and a feminine vibe? 

Women’s intuition is described as that gut feeling telling you that something is wrong or unsettling, negative or otherwise. It can come in the form of dream, deja vu or maybe just a funny feeling depending on how you receive this warning.

Psychologist go back and forth as to wether or not this is a myth.  But Doctor Judith Orloff, MD, describes it as the gut having neurotransmitters in it as well as the brain. But the gut is responding to the here and now and brain is drawing on past experiences. When those transmitters are firing you can experience the “butterflies” or uneasiness in your stomach. Hence “gut instinct’ she also explains that men can also be powerfully intuitive. But may not be in touch with that side of themselves. And I know that men can definitely be powerfully intuitive also because I know one or two who understand the feeling because they feel it too. But, girls are praised for being sensitive, open and intuitive and men are not. So they may be keeping it tight to the vest. 

How this “intuition”, if that is what it is works for me in the woods may seem strange but I’ll go ahead and try to explain it anyway. I already am out in the woods looking for Bigfoot, so to some people I couldn’t possibly look crazier than that. When I head into the woods, and get in there deep enough either I feel nothing, safe or the woods are screaming at me to get out. My whole body goes on alert. And when that happens I will leave immediately. Who knows what that may or may not have saved me from. And sometimes I feel perfectly safe and comfortable but I’m being drawn to a certain area. And I would think that sounds crazy too if I didn’t have proof that it is real in the form of odd pictures, casted prints and an Indian artifact. 

I know most people think of intuition as a women sensing her children are up to no good. Or that deep down in their whole body they know that something is wrong with them. I don’t have children but my niece and nephew are my angels and I can tell you in one second of seeing or talking to them that something is hinky, and that the vibe works better than squatch hunting at night with infrared glasses, don’t doubt it. 

My view on using intuition and a feminine vibe out there is that if we can we really harness those warnings, senses and feelings and focus them, then we may be able to find a squatch out there as if we are using a heat seeking missile. As far as feminine , non threatening presense, well it’s just what it is. Most woman aren’t bringing weapons and don’t physically represent a threat to them. Now that is a male Bigfoot but a female one may be different, may feel threatened in a different way. And as far as juveniles, I feel that they are not seen often because they are closely guarded. It’s like a bear cub, he’s all cute and fluffy “come here cutie” until mama comes around the corner, then s**t just got real. But I am just one woman with one opinion. So I asked a couple excellent lady squatchers what they thought on all this so here we go...

From the SquatchHers: 

“Our team searches in areas where there have been reported sightings, although on occasion, we are in locations we feel are “squatchy”  even though we may not have had any reports. And so when our intuition tells us to take a look at these areas? We do. For example last year we searched a location north of the metro area that we had discovered Bigfoot reports. It was a nice day, by winter standards, and three of us, Heidi, Katie and myself (Stephanie), were out wandering around this wildlife management area (23,000 acres), having this gut instinct that Bigfoot had probably been there, and would most certainly love this location. There were wetlands, deer, waterfowl, we found prints in the snow of bear, big cats, etc. but after hiking for awhile and finding only a structure that was built by hunters to use as as a blind, we felt we needed to call on our intuition to hopefully point us in the right direction. We gathered in a circle, held hands, and asked the Forest spirits to help us. Sure enough, at the instant both Heidi and I turned our heads in the same direction and said we have to go that way. It took only a few minutes to find out why. This is where we found the stick structures quadrant up on a ridge. Many, many stick structures adorn this tiny part of this ginormous area. Two of them being very large. Although we can’t prove Bigfoot built them, we certainly believe he might have. They are remote and there’s just no reason why humans would build such a structure. They offer no protection from the elements whatsoever, and none would shield you from the eyes of something or someone you are hiding from. Since then, we have heard reports from hunters who were in that area very close to the quadrant, who reported hearing tree knocking. When we were there in October, we did hear tree knocks, and an animal noise that to us sounded like gorillas....could it have been Bigfoot? It seemed like it was coming from across the wetland, and though we tried getting through there, not all of us had on our knee high rubber boots so we couldn’t make it to the other side that day. But we will next time....”

From the Squatchybelles:

“ oh, yes!!! We both rely on our “gut” instinct... we were walking along a path and heard a growl, we walked a few more steps and heard it again..we both knew we needed to turn around, it was automatic. ( as in about-face)...We both felt like it was our internal alarm system. (Also this was a new area)..I think women are more in tune to their instinct...we are emotional beings..” on non threatening, we’ve wondered if they might respond better to women versus man? Due to our tone of voice, are facial expressions, if they can read them. Also women seem to be more open and maybe they can sense that? “

From Squatchin’ with Barb and Gabby:

I think women could make easier connections with them as we are less threatening and more observant of details, but I don’t know if that is intuition..”

From Sisters Squatch 

“I know for a fact..our intuition can be integral. Getting pulled to a direction and not knowing why...then having some awesome experiences...yellls, stomps, wood knocks, very, very near by..”

Now I want to say that this is not a “that’s right women are smarter moment” Some of  the most respected researchers are men. But I have only squatched with my sister. And out there we also have the advantage of years of being able to communicate with just a look, of being sisters and knowing what each are thinking. Someday I will know what the male presence adds to my senses. Till then this feeling is either intuitive or my instinct dialed up to 10 on a Marshall Amp.

And who knows? This is the paranormal world we are living in. So we could use a magical tool like Harry’s wand to lead us through the quagmire between the normal and the paranormal.....

I want to thank all of these ladies for their time, there thoughts, and for sharing all of that with me. I truly, truly appreciate you all. You all rock and are out there making a difference and contributing to the bigger picture...

Beauty and the Bigfoot  picture by Big-foot 

Other photo found on Google 

Judith Orloff, MD is the author of Guide to the Intuitive Healing

Copyright © December 2018, property of Bigfoot Mountain, all rights reserved..


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