My Yeti and I...

I can’t think of a better way, to start off the day 

Just sitting side by side, my Yeti and I

We could chat or just stare

Look out at the sunrise, or for a bear

My friend and I wouldn’t need words

And the language he speaks, has never been heard

I’m not worried about what we’d have in common 

I’m happy just being in his presence, it’s what I’ve always been longing 

I could maybe pet his fur while he sighed

I may pinch myself to see if I’m alive

I’m not going to stay long, or wear out my welcome 

I think sitting here like this, is something he does seldom

So thank you for your peace, my white warrior beast

Recalling this moment is how I’ll end this day

I can’t believe it started out this way

Off to slumber now, I can feel it pulling me down 

I’ll be waiting right here, if you ever decide to come back around

Art by Yalanrei

Copyright © December 2018, property of Bigfootmountain, all rights reserved 


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