
Showing posts from November, 2017

L.A.R.P and the Real Bigfoot 

Image Hello everyone, once and awhile when I’m  reading articles about the big guy, I sometimes stumble upon a real beauty. Such was the case last night. I read an article and interview from AiPT!. With writer Sharon A Hill on her new book, Scientifical Americans. I have not read this book yet, as it doesn’t come out till December 30th. But worry not I definitely will. Then I can give you my full review. From the article I was however, able to get a pretty good idea what it’s all about from the interview. I’m not sure many of you will be to happy with this information. But I can at least say it is a unique concept. In her book Miss Hill describes Sasquatch, ghost, etc. hunters as want to be scientists. That for some reason or another were not able to become a legitimate scientist. Couldn’t afford school, had to work to support a family, what have you. You get the idea. Insulting as it may be. She goes on to describe these hunters. As example Finding Big...

Oh Yeti They Did

Well, I have now watched and reviewed my share of movies about Bigfoot lately. But I think they may have just been leading up to this gem. Yeti, Giant of the 20th Century. This movie May have left me speechless and type less for that matter. But I’ll get it together. Let me pause a moment to get my thoughts together. Yup. Still recovering from the shock and awe. So I will start with the easy part. The plot summary. Scientists have found a giant frozen Yeti. Then those same scientists do a series of ridiculous things to defrost said Yeti and bring him back to life. I mean it’s no big deal to find and resurrect a Yeti the size of King Kong right? And while we are speaking of the king of the monsters. This movie paid homage to (Yeah that sounds better than ripping off. Right?) the King. There is even a Faye Raye for the giant hominid too. But I digress. This movie took me to places I never wanted to ever go from the beginning. Like up 10,000 feet to find a frozen Yeti. And Yeti, I gue...

The Writing is on the Walls 

A Long long time ago in this very country... There was a population of Native Americans. Before we arrived, took their land and killed their people. They believed in many omens and spirits. A lot of our land now was their sacred land. They left many paintings on cave walls and rocks. And a litany of oral history of their tribes and a few may even be about our beloved Bigfoot. So in honor of the Thanksgiving holiday this year, instead of celebrating a relationship we now know didn't end so well, I decided to honor them and talk about their connection to the big guy himself. Bigfoot went by many names to the native Americans. Different tribes all had different names for him. One such one is Chiye-Tanka, which basically means big man.  The Salish tribe gave him his most infamous name of Sasquatch( sæsq'ec ) . Now he is usually just referred to these days as the big man. Their belief of Sasquatch is a lot like ours of the Mothman. They believe he appears at troubled times. H...

Do you Hear what I Hear..

A howl, a howl. Higher than a growl, that will make you run for a mile. Yes it will make you run for a mile. So it occurred to me while I was watching Skull Island today that I never got a post out from my last Squatch Hunt. I posted some pictures on my Facebook page. But totally blanked on my post. (This is what happens when you get older). So here we go.. My last hunt had me following up on a report made to the BFRO last year. Better late than never I guess. It was in the Oxford/Douglas Massachusetts area. (Beautiful area by the way, totally jealous the big man may live there and I do not) So the report was a little confusing on actual location. But my sister and I are pretty confident we nailed it. It was in a very squatchy location. In fact you could have filmed a remake of Boggy Creek there. We saw a lot of what we feel could be potential Bigfoot structures and nest like areas. Definitely worth a second look next weekend. As I have mentioned many times I’m not an expert and...

Squatching in a Winter Wonderland 

Hear the rocks..they are knocking, in the woods..Sasquatch is stalking.. Okay, corny I know but ‘‘tis the season” and all that. Well since it is that time of year again. Where you are layering on the clothes and you’re hoping Sasquatch really has been mistaken for a bear all these years. And he is in fact going into hibernation. I thought we would talk about Sasquatch In the winter weather. “It’s colder than the fuzz on a polar bear’s behind out there”. This Is an expression my dad always used. He would know, He worked outside his whole life. And when I went out Squatching yesterday I thought “what am I doing out here right now?” I’m normally a hermit when things go below 40 out there.But what does Sasquatch do? He has the hair and potential bulk that would probably suit him well in the winter. So what do you think?  I was utubing the hell out of Bigfoot from the chair by the fire in my house this weekend. Hoping To solve this riddle and I noticed a pattern. The majority of Bigf...

R.E.S.P.EC.T. I know what it means to me...

Farmer claims he spotted Bigfoot FAMILY carrying a pig while running through his Californian orchard Okay, I want to start this post by stressing that I have never seen a Bigfoot. So all of the things I am saying I would do are completely hypothetical. I assume I would first have an accident in my pants, then run. More than likely I would freeze and faint. Still going with accident first, unfortunately. Stories of Bigfoot encounters that include similar reactions are more believable to me. If someone is telling you a Bigfoot tale that sounds suspicious, what do you do? If you believe in Bigfoot, what makes some stories seem...wrong? One element, for me, is the travelling Bigfoot family.  Not the family part, but the tromping around in a big fuzzy group.  It's not very stealth behavior for creatures that seem determined to remain mysterious. Now I am not calling out anyone in particular; group or person. But what is the protocol for all of you in this field, if you g...

What’s in a Name?

I was just thinking to myself. It's a good thing The Big Man probably doesn't suffer from identity crisis. Us humans would have driven him over the edge by now. We have bestowed upon him a different name in every different culture, state, and country. I've had a few different nicknames in my life. Some were funny. Some you could only say around me while you were running away. But Bigfoot. (which is my favorite name for him) Has well over the 50 names I could rattle off the tip of my tongue. Is it just the differences in language, locale, and culture that gives him so many different names? Or is it more his appearance and our varied reactions to it that creates them? Do I have to refer to each different name while I'm traveling? I mean, if I was in the Boggy Creek Swamps would I have to yell out. Holy S**t it's the Boggy Creek monster, everybody run? Who has time to get that out? He would be on us before I could even get the name out!  I think we would probably y...

Stomping Ground 

Stomping ground is a short, little over an hour long indie Bigfoot movie. This movie is a must see in this genre. It holds the indie feel all the way through. Great acting, good script and great music to tap along with. In the movie, Annie brings her new boyfriend to the town she grew up in. While there. He discovers that she has a secret hobby of hunting Bojum (Bigfoot). While out at the bar seeing her old friends, they come up with the idea  to go on a hunt for Bojum the next day. That is where the “careful what you wish for” begins. I loved that they added all the classic Bigfoot “signs”. Smell, rock throwing, structures and prints. But I never once rolled my eyes to it.  It becomes imperative sometime during the movie that “big city”. The skeptic boyfriend, who believes in none of this to take charge. He remembers all he heard about Bigfoot from their conversations and tracks the creature himself. Although this movie has a good creature in it. He is by no means the st...

That Smelly Smell That Smells Smelly

Image I know, cheesy use of Sponge Bob. But you just can’t help yourself but watch. Twice. Okay, today I’m going to have an awkward post, about the big guys hygiene. Most people say when he has been near. Or left a hair behind. That the smell just can’t be ignored. Some trying not to gag on it.  That concludes the hardest part of this post. I promise. So we have to wonder if everyone smells that smell. Why doesn’t he wash up a bit in nature’s shower. A river, waterfall, etc. Try and be less noticeable to us? Camouflage that odor a bit? Smell more like the forest. Woodsy and pine. I mean he does make his own soap after all. I mean if everyone was running around saying omg did you smell that? Right after I went by. Well. I might be offended.  So that means he may be using that scent for something important . What kind of options are out there for scent? Well. I suppose he could use it for scent marking? Mark his territory from other predators. C...

Which Side are you Standing on?

So in my short few months emerged in all things Bigfoot. There is one topic that seems to have the biggest controversy and debate going. Popping up on many different sites. Bigfoot enthusiasts and researchers alike cannot seem to agree on Todd Standing's evidence of Bigfoot.  I want to say first that I'm not taking a side in this post. And Todd is not here reading this to defend his honor. (which I would welcome anytime). I've watched his documentary on Netflix a few weeks ago. And as entertainment goes it was compelling. Kept me watching. Had me questioning. All good things a documentary should do. When I looked at some bigfoot pages online I was curious to see both sides of the aisle. His believers and the skeptics having quite a debate. There are some Footies, that really thinks he is a fake looking for money and fame. And others who admire his approach of blending into the environment 24/7 and getting enough trust from them to get close enough to film. I've re...

Hey I’m a believer..

I can hear The Monkees singing now, “Then I saw her face. Now I’m a believer”. I know we are all believers. The only problem I see in this area is - agreeing about what kind of believer you are. I find that Bigfoot has two types of believers. One, that I tend to agree with, is that he is a yet undiscovered mammal. A possible descendant of Gigantopithecus. Other beliefs are more phenomenal. There is a theory that an immortal Bigfoot uses wormholes to travel from other dimensions . Let’s break it down a bit together. The flesh and blood Bigfoot is a elusive King of Hiding - no one argues with that on either side.  Many people have seen him, maybe gotten a quick photo, if their lucky. He is LARGE - anywhere from six to ten feet tall, hairy, and has horrible smell you can’t forget - as if you stepped on a skunk’s tail and faced their wrath. (I’m personally not looking forward to encountering that smell for myself). Bigfoot is FAST and disappears fast by blending into his environ...

Messing with Sasquatch..

Well. As you know, last night’s post was my ode to Sasquatch about hunters and our driving need to hold him in our hands for him to be real. Well imagine my surprise when I woke up to a message blinking on my phone, from the big man himself today. Here it is, I’m sharing it with all of you. Written proof he is out there. Go find him. If you dare! To whom it may concern, Soooo, I've been reading this Bigfoot Mountain mess and I have a few comments. First of all, I find the term Bigfoot to be horrendously derogatory. We prefer Sasquatch, although that isn't much more euphonious.       That being said, why are so many people interested in proving (or disproving) our existence? It seems like more people care about this than finding the meaning of life. Which, in my opinion, by the way, has to be the making and eating of any type of jerky.      But I digress. These people schlepping around our living spaces is getting old. How would you feel if peopl...

Sasquatch minds want to know. What kind of hunter are you?

So once again as I’m learning all things Bigfoot. I’ve learned there are two kinds of hunters looking for the elusive hide and seek champ. One is out there snapping pictures and videos. Possibly making Sasquatch calls. I should add I cannot make that sound myself. But lucky for me there is an app for everything. Even Sasquatch calls. ( of all the calls I heard on tv Finding Bigfoot have them down pat). They want to be able to show proof he exists but they don’t want him stuffed and mounted on their wall. Shush, Did you hear that sound? That is Bigfoot’s very loud sigh of relief. The second kind of hunter wants to do the latter. Maybe not hang on wall but definitely to take on a little “I told you so” tour. And I can’t say I blame them.  Now any kind of hunting freaks me out. I am strictly pictures only myself. Not that I plan on hanging around trying to get him to pose.  But the problem with the “film” and “no kill” plan  is absolutely no one will believe you apparen...

Halloween Hangover..what happens when you eat a Sasquatch weight in candy.

While there is no doubt we are all entitled to have candy on Halloween. I mean they did create a holiday that specifically allows you, no, demands,  that you eat the wrong food. You also, for safety purposes only, need to eat some of your children’s candy and make sure all is well. Then you go to bed feeling guilty and sick to your stomach. In the morning you wake with a headache. To much sugar the day before. Unable to fit in jeans and angry that you set your diet back. While passing out (and eating) candy. I thought about the people who put food out in their yard or woods for Bigfoot. Do they leave him Halloween treats? He is known to love candy bars. Yes, there are many that feed the big man, despite all the warning signs. And I wonder how much candy it takes to fill him up? And I’m jealous. He is not looking into a stream to see his reflection saying, “boy look at those extra chins” I also wonder why people feed him in general when he clearly survives on his own. What...